Room 1 - 2014

Room 1 - 2014

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Room 1's plays!!

Thank you so much to all the parents who made the effort to come and see our class plays. The kids did a super job and I hope you went away entertained! I can honestly say that through all the practices over the weeks, you saw the best performances that they have done! I hope to have video clips of the plays up on the blog next week.

Here are a few comments the kids made about the experience.

'I liked Leif's play, it was funny. The little kids cracked up, I did too." - Saxon

'When it was my turn to go on the stage I had butterflies in my tummy.' - Emily

'Maria did a supermodel pose, which made Phoebe and me laugh, I was so embarrassed, but so happy Mum and Dad had made it.' - Madison

'My Mum said 'well done.'I was so nervous at the start.' - Mackenzie

'I think that being first was important, to do well so people watch and listen properly.' - Troy

'When I was doing the play I felt a little bit sick, not a lot, a little bit. It was a good experience for all of us' - Arlia

'I wasn't nervous at all because I'm a true actress!' - Phoebe

'After the play my Mum said that I was great. Now I am not nervous if I do any other plays." - Connor 

'When I went on stage and said my lines, my nerves were gone. I felt when I said my lines like nobody was there.' - Emma

'After my play I was very happy with myself. It was the best experience in the world.' - Peyton

'The experience was fantastic and I liked the big crowd, it gave me support.' - Ben

'When I walked up on the stage my tummy didn't feel so good. When it was over I felt so happy.' - Theon

'I was a bit nervous when I was doing my play but after I was definitely proud.' - Finn

'In the middle of the play it was fun. Everyone did a good job.' - Trey

'The grannies probably thought it was excellent. And it was a bit scary because Mum was there!' - Sam 

'When it was our go I felt fine because it was friends and family or people I know, not just strangers.' - Tayla

'It's all over now but it was super fun, delightfully scary!' - Maria

'When I was on the stage I felt good. At the end I was proud of myself.' - Leif

'When I was watching the first play it felt like I didn't know my lines, but when it was my line it all came back to me.' - Chloe

'When I was getting dressed I felt all excited until I saw the massive big crowd!' - Aidan

'When I got up on stage I felt like I was going to explode into a million pieces, that is what freaked me out the most.' - Poppy

'The best thing I liked was performing and working together to do the props.' - Jed

'Positive words were just spilling out of my mouth like running water, but in my head negative kind of took over. All I was thinking was OMG, what if I forgot my words! When I got on stage I just went with the flow' Vanessa

'I was so nervous that my heart was thumping like mad, till I actually started to get brave. Then when it was finished I was so proud of myself.' - Kartier

Friday, 25 July 2014

Welcome To Term Three!!!

Hi folks! it's been great to have the kids smiley faces back in Room One.
We look forward to seeing you at all sorts of school events this term. We have speeches, crosscountry, swimming and of course our class plays coming up!
Below is a slideshow of the superb Fifty-five feathers pastel art we created at the end of term two. We read a book called 'Fifty-five feathers' about a gecko who was getting cold in winter so pukeko helped him keep warm by collecting feathers from NZ native birds!
The last ten feathers came from the now extinct huia. The children developed a special bond with this beautiful bird from a book we read recently called 'Project Huia.' Needless to say the kids are keen for scientific technology to hurry up so we can use DNA from current huia specimen to help recreate them!
Anyway we hope you enjoy the art as much as we enjoyed making it!